Jan 19, 2012


Okay, to at least justify my fantastic ability to completely and utterly forget to blog.  Errr...  I've been busy?!?  And well, technically, I'm kinda just making the excuse to myself as nobody really reads these, right?!?!  

Is this thing on?!?!

So Christmas has come and gone and We are WELL over half way through January.  Seriously... I'm not sure where time has been going?!?!  

I haven't been completely lax in all aspects of life.  I've already ditched my holiday weight gain and am  excited about my weigh-in tomorrow... (really?!  Did I just say that?)

I decided to do the year of photos.  I have ALWAYS wanted to, but have issues with starting a year long project on a day other than January First.  Blame it on a mild case of OCD... but it just doesn't seem right on any other day.  (Okay, maybe on my birthday or something... but you see where I'm going with this.)

So, I give to you now... Days 1-10...

Day 1

Day 2

 Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9 

Day 10

Dec 5, 2011

Simple as Pi...

So, you'd think I would have realized there we a Blogger app for my phone when I first got it, right?  Nope!  Just using it now, for the very first time. 

So here you sit, or stand, (or hang precariously from the stairway by your belt fashioned nicely around tour ankle... I don't judge) witnessing my first ever blog from the comfort of my cozy chair.  yeah!  Sure I could have done it with my laptop...  But no, I saved this experience for this very moment here with you. ;)

Nov 21, 2011

Where oh where has the month gone?

So, last I knew it was November 1st, I took in a deep breath of accomplishment and POOF! It's already Thanksgiving week... Not quite sure who stole my last 3weeks, but I think I need them back.

I am at my lowest weight in 7 years... 
I have officially lost 40lbs since January first and

{ does that feel fantastic?!?! }

  Would love to make it 50 by Christmas and I think that is completely attainable.  I've plateaued for quite a while now and I think I'm ready for a good loss again!!! 
This couple of pounds was just a kick in the butt that "HEY!!  I can do this!!"  :)

I have had a few great weekends of photo shoots this month and will be maintaining a new blog just for my photography

 but I'll post a few of my favorites here! 

Onto a day of editing, curtain making and if I'm lucky a little time to curl up with my book and hubby tonight.

Oct 31, 2011


So, it's that time of year again... the time when all of the outside world is shut off to me and I crawl into my sewing studio to not surface until November 1st.  


I had some fun creations to work on this year and I kept the amount I took in minimal but it was still that same mad dash.  I swear certain fabrics/ supplies are just never available to me or on sale until just that moment where I really start to sweat and question if I have enough time...  ;)

Sooooooo... without further ado... I give to you

Crumbs Sugar Cookie


and the ever sweet little 

So, Happy Halloween to all.... 

Sep 12, 2011

bad addiction in the making

I have seen oodles of friends posting things on facebook about pinterest and had looked around and gotten stuck in the nearly  endless loop  of "Oh, that's cool's" and  "ooooh, look at that's" ...

 I requested an invite quite a while ago and had yet to get anything from pinterest directly.  So, being the mildly obsessive person that I am... I finally broke down and asked a friend, who is pretty active in the world of pinning, if she had invites she could pass out and <poof>  I'm in...

I haven't added a ton as of yet, but I'm getting there.  you can see all of my new found loves here...

Sep 9, 2011

...turn it all around...

I am { p.l.e.a.s.e.d...a.s...p.u.n.c.h } to announce that my darling dear husband has accepted a job offer and is currently picking up his company vehicle, doing paperwork and meeting the rest of his NEW company.  What a super speedy turnaround!!!  We have been blessed with him being able to not only continue on with the freedom he had before in working with his clients (the SAME clients) but he has a lot more chances at making some pretty good bonuses!  What a welcome change...

In our families brief two week stint of unemployment freak out (trust me, it seemed infinitely longer) we have come out on top.  I may have a few new grey hairs and a couple extra heart palpitations under my belt but we are looking to be better off than we were before his previous company shut down Michigan operations!  How crazy is that?!? 

So here's to his new company,
our fresh start
and  knowing how I will be buying groceries every week! 

[ ...thank God... ]

Sep 6, 2011

just be...

My little man turned 6 today!  I'm not the sappy sentimental mom rocking the "Oh no... my baby is growing up... whatever shall I do?" stance...  I love that my kids are growing and exploring.  Not that I want them to grow up TOO fast (okay, there ARE days that I wish they might progress a tad bit in age and/or maturity).  I'm not into the whole  "I want another baby" thing, nor will I be. 
I thoroughly enjoy my kids... I really did love when they were babies, but I am so thankful that I am done with that part of our life.  Every age is a new adventure.

I enjoy watching them explore new things, helping them muster courage
 or being blown away when they strut around in their
{ Fearless Boots }
you know, the ones that they can do ANYTHING in and not have an iota of hesitation or fear
(in adults they are called "Stupid Jeans"
<yeah, you see what I did there, huh?!>

So, to my little man...


Grow up at the right pace...
Be a good friend, but not a doormat
Be wise about your choices, but not afraid to take risks
Be courageous
Be bold
Be strong
Be tender
Be creative
Be inventive
Be a good man... 

But remember you will ALWAYS be my little boy