Sep 9, 2011

...turn it all around...

I am { p.l.e.a.s.e.d...a.s...p.u.n.c.h } to announce that my darling dear husband has accepted a job offer and is currently picking up his company vehicle, doing paperwork and meeting the rest of his NEW company.  What a super speedy turnaround!!!  We have been blessed with him being able to not only continue on with the freedom he had before in working with his clients (the SAME clients) but he has a lot more chances at making some pretty good bonuses!  What a welcome change...

In our families brief two week stint of unemployment freak out (trust me, it seemed infinitely longer) we have come out on top.  I may have a few new grey hairs and a couple extra heart palpitations under my belt but we are looking to be better off than we were before his previous company shut down Michigan operations!  How crazy is that?!? 

So here's to his new company,
our fresh start
and  knowing how I will be buying groceries every week! 

[ ...thank God... ]

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