Sep 24, 2010

brownie points

So, we made a whirlwind trip to a larger town (not by any means a city) to purchase some fabric and other such supplies for costume orders that I have.  I have been asking my kids for the past few months to be thinking about what they would like to dress as for Halloween.  My daughter is notorious (even with an alias) for changing her mind  27 times until FINALLY deciding a day or two before.  Well, last week it was a princess, then it changed to Rapunzel a few days ago, then a medieval  princess pattern struck her fancy at JoAnns tonight.  Finally, while waiting for my fabric to get cut... she looked at me and said she had decided FOR SURE on what she wanted to be...  "a fashion designer/sewer lady, just like YOU, Mom".   

*GULP*  did she really really truly just say that?!?!  

I swear a hush fell over the fabric store followed by a sweet motherly "sigh" in unison from every woman present.  That pretty much made my night and I think we've figured out a very "Project Runway" look for her... including a trick or treat bag with a sketch pad on it... ;)   

Little man decided on a dinosaur/dragon... he's not quite sure yet... "but they are close enough that it doesn't matter".  The kid is kinda right... I mean, you don't see either of them roaming around now-a-days, do you?   BUT he made it clear he doesn't want it green, well at least not plain green, that's just boring!   You can't have a boring extinct potentially fire breathing creature now, can you??  

So, my trip proved productive in a few other areas... I had to find backing fabric for my nephews quilt (because I'm dumb and didn't plan ahead)... I just used the fabrics that spoke to me, and none of the cuts I had were enough.  So sue me!   

I just needed ANOTHER excuse to buy fabric, right?  Well, as I got looking I couldn't help but eyeball some patterns for the throw quilt I want to make for my living room and well... many many MANY 1/8 yard cuts later... we've got the beginning of what BETTER be the "perfect" quilt for my couch.  Here is a glimpse of a FEW of the fabrics.

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