Sep 30, 2010

A.D.D. or just too inspired?!?!?

A friend of mine and I were chatting yesterday about whether or not artsy people seem to be predisposed to ADD like behavior?  I know that I get SERIOUS project ADD... I mean, if I don't focus I can only stay on task for about 30 minutes or so without getting distracted by something else in my studio that I want to make.  Case in point... I have my nephews quilt to finish quilting (tonight), a few customer orders, and the 47 projects that I've gotten started for myself/family/home... okay, maybe not that many, but there are quite a few.  

And now I find myself just wanting to pick out yarn to make this sweater designed by my friend and fellow Etsian, Anji Beane.  

I just want to start it NOW!!  Why oh why can't I?  ;)   By the time I get to it, I'm sure I'll have to make it a little less fall themed... haha  

I was up until about 4 am with sick kids last night, hoping that they will both be feeling better by the morning, but Little man is wound for sound right now, 2 hours after his bedtime, fever and all...  Sleep little one, sleep...     He seems to have the night-owl gene as well.  It doesn't matter how tired I am, once it hits the time I should be heading to bed, all I want to do is dig into a project. 

With the munchkins being under the weather today, I wasn't able to go to my MOPS group. It is always so nice to get together with the ladies and chit chat, enjoy a great brunch and craft the last half of the time away... booooo!!!  It's nice to have a designated time twice a month that I know I get to be creative for ME... that doesn't happen all that often...  then again, if I could focus on specific projects at a time, I'd probably be able to get things done so much more efficiently.  See that... I even blog in circles...  I guess it's just how I work.


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