- I'm overjoyed to not have to wake at the crack of dawn to get the wee ones up and ready for the far too early bus ride in...
- I'm delighted with the prospect of warm days with cool breezes, listening to the rhythmic beat of the waves of Lake Huron.
- Eager to spend some amazing quality time with the hubby and munchkins.
- and TERRIFIED that I have to continually have to find things to occupy the minds, hands and energy of two children with attention spans even shorter than.... ooohhh, GLITTER!
I have been going through my stash of goodies... and by stash, I mean a HUGE room full... literally... I know many people exaggerate and brag up how much "stuff" they might have. I try to down play it because I am seriously a fabric/craft hoarder... I can use everything for something... I can redesign this to make into that... I can't possibly let perfectly good supplies sit on the shelves of a thrift store... It is an addiction, but my goodness... I am having a blast with all the projects I've already got planned for the summer.
Today, I went on a run with my husband, who had a large shipment of X-Ray film come in and was going to take the box to recycling... For Shame!!!
Large Box + "Bored" children + Crayons = two bedrooms up { For Rent } in the main house...
I had planned on saving it for "one of those days" but my husband was a tad too eager to get the french doors cut on the front. ;)
Here's to a great summer full of artsy~fartsy goodness!!!
14.5 days left of school...
* gasp *