May 16, 2011

busy little hands

With the end of the school year rapidly approaching, I am faced with a plethora of mixed emotions. 
  • I'm overjoyed to not have to wake at the crack of dawn to get the wee ones up and ready for the far too early bus ride in...
  • I'm delighted with the prospect of warm days with cool breezes, listening to the rhythmic beat of the waves of Lake Huron.
  • Eager to spend some amazing quality time with the hubby and munchkins. 
  • and TERRIFIED that I have to continually have to find things to occupy the minds, hands and energy of two children with attention spans even shorter than.... ooohhh, GLITTER! 
I was blessed to have my creativity nurtured (and harnessed, as needed) but Super Mom (take that Martha Stewart!)  She would always come up with something to rescue my brother, Jason, and I from the throes of boredom.   When our entertainment was facing eminent danger, Super Mom would fly to the rescue with what seemed to be a never ending supply of felt, ric-rac, paint, buttons, clothes pins, chewing gum and a paper clip... all the staples of any McGyver-esque Mom's survival pack. 

I have been going through my stash of goodies... and by stash, I mean a HUGE room full... literally... I know many people exaggerate and brag up how much "stuff" they might have.  I try to down play it because I am seriously a fabric/craft hoarder...  I can use everything for something...  I can redesign this to make into that... I can't possibly let perfectly good supplies sit on the shelves of a thrift store... It is an addiction, but my goodness... I am having a blast with all the projects I've already got planned for the summer. 

Today, I went on a run with my husband, who had a large shipment of X-Ray film come in and was going to take the box to recycling...  For Shame!!!  

Large Box  +  "Bored" children + Crayons = two  bedrooms up { For Rent } in the main house...

I had planned on saving it for "one of those days" but my husband was a tad too eager to get the french doors cut on the front.  ;)

Here's to a great summer full of artsy~fartsy goodness!!!   
14.5 days left of school... 
* gasp *

May 10, 2011


Okay... so I failed to keep consistent with posting... AGAIN!  I swear I have the best of intentions but sometimes it just doesn't HAPPEN, you know?

BUT I come baring a SPLENDIFOROUS  report...   I am now....

< drum roll please >

30 lbs 

That is amazing... that is fantastic... that is motivating...


So, needless to say... (but you know I will anyways)...  I'm pretty geeked about it!  It makes me pretty happy to walk past a store window and feel surprised when I realize that reflection is ME.  

I am keeping this short... but I will be more consistent...  For real... Most definitely... maybe....